Wednesday, November 24, 2010


That blizzard may have been a bit weaksauce, yes. But . . there's still no denying it.

SNOW. :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

And so it begins

I have class in 45 minutes, and I do not want to even move.

4-day forecast for Logan, UT (high/low)

Fri: 38/22 Sat: 43/22 Sun: 38/20 Mon: 43/25

You'd think surviving a Logan winter would pretty much toughen up your skin enough to be okay the rest of the time, right? HA. Think again. Of course I knew Logan was cold, but still I seemed to have forgotten that it was always this bitingly numbing outside. And this is just child's play.

Just to humor myself, I Googled the weather in Kiev. 
It's comforting, really, that the weather is still in the 60s in that part of the world. I feel a little bit better about going.

But that still doesn't solve the problem that I have before me at this moment.

Engineering building... Why are you so far away?