Saturday, July 27, 2013


I have been fighting that feeling a lot lately. The drifting. It is an empty feeling, one that you know the solution to, but for some reason it's more difficult than you expected and instead of doing something to change course you choose to just
drift along.
Well, let the records show--- I'm tired of drifting.

The more I think, the more I feel that by not engaging in daily serious study of the word, sincere prayer and contemplation- by not visiting or "checking in" with that very being who created all things-- it is not solely an offense to Him, but even personally, an offense to ourselves.
By not taking the time out of your busy life to focus and align your will with His you are essentially saying that you don't need Him. You hold up your tiny head and go forward thinking you can rely on your own strength for the day. All things of the spiritual sense weaken within you, even if just slightly.
But that slightly turns into more
and more
and over time you are eroded; your resolve,
your character, your very soul has begun to waste away.
Suddenly you begin to realize that you have no chance on your own to overcome the natural man, not without His help, never without His help. Of course, you knew this all along. But what you didn't know was how easy this was to forget...

I feel that when I do not stay attuned with the spirit, I have no way of telling which thoughts or impulses or words or attitudes or ideas come from Him or from the influence of the world... It is as if I set out for a trip on my sailboat without taking the time to actually put on the sails.

{Our Heavenly Father did not launch us on our eternal journey without providing the means whereby we could receive from Him God-given guidance to assist in our safe return at the end of mortal life. I speak of prayer. I speak too of the whisperings from that still, small voice within each of us, and I do not overlook the holy scriptures, written by mariners who successfully sailed the seas we too must cross. -President Thomas S. Monson}

Let the records show, I'm tired of drifting.

Monday, July 1, 2013

what I'm listening to // Bastille, T/O/P

Can't get enough of these two bands lately. They are both unique in sound and are definitely headed for greatness. Check out some of their better-known songs, such as Pompeii by Bastille, or Guns for Hands by T/O/P, if you are in the mood for some exploring! <3