Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Random Facts for me, mostly memo's from phone

In kidney failure the pH of the blood decreases because kidneys recover bicarbonate from urine to buffer blood

Russian Slang: Kruto (steep) is good for discount eyewear/contacts

Gelotology, the study of the physiology of laughter.

YOur body can generate up to 30,000 iu's with like fifteen minutes of sun exposure (look this up later)

Morgan Freemark

Conflagration, defalgration, misanthropic, dilletante (look up later)

Cosomell Mexico, for scuba diving (mom and dad)

...and then I found 20 dollars.

Trisha, July, 1997

Hootinanny-- to cook? Diane from work

The stressful non-famine: Victor, Edwin, Aaron, Clay, Todd.

pH of your stomach is 1.5-3.5, and the pH of urine is 4.6-8

Das erZelbeh Comesh Ist

He said there are always flowers for those who want to see them. Brown wood frame, creme and grey. Yellow stripes, black flower, weathered

 Empathy, defined as the ability to undersatnd and interact based ont he emotional makeup of others, isone of thk ey personalyt traits of emotional intelligence recommended for consideration in hiring hemployees, along with self-awareness, the ability to recognize one's own emotions and motivation and their effect on others; self-regulation, the ability to control or redirect problematic impulses or moods; motivation, a passion ofr work and puruit of goals with energy and persistence; and social skills, proficiency in bulding relationships and networkds (Connolly, 2002).

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